In a groundbreaking effort spanning eight months, John C. Armentano and the Farrell Fritz Land Use & Municipal practice group played a pivotal role in assisting the Village of Ocean Beach Environmental Committee (“VOBEC”) in the formulation and successful enactment of a comprehensive tree and vegetation protection ordinance. The Village of Ocean Beach Board of Trustees officially passed the ordinance as a Local Law on December 16, 2023.
Motivated by a growing concern for environmental conservation, VOBEC undertook the initiative to draft an ordinance aimed at preventing the destruction or undue harm to trees on private property without the necessary permits. The process was marked by collaboration, involving multiple public hearings and work sessions to ensure diverse perspectives were considered in the final ordinance.
The drafting and subsequent enactment of the tree protection ordinance posed a unique challenge, requiring a delicate balance between the interests of the public at large and those of private property owners. This ordinance reflects a significant step forward in environmental stewardship, emphasizing the importance of safeguarding green spaces within the community.
John C. Armentano, partner at Farrell Fritz, expressed satisfaction with the collaborative and inclusive approach taken throughout the process. “This was a rewarding experience that not only aligns with the pro bono goals of Farrell Fritz but also underscores our commitment to community welfare and sustainable development,” Armentano stated.
Farrell Fritz continues to demonstrate its dedication to pro bono work and community engagement by actively participating in initiatives that contribute to the well-being of the areas it serves. The successful passage of the tree and vegetation protection ordinance in collaboration with VOBEC is a testament to the firm’s commitment to environmental responsibility and community partnership.